Credit Line: Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1942.

(19.4 × 12.8 × 1.8 cm) Classifications: Books, Ornament & Architecture. Fowler's practical phrenology: giving a concise elementary view of phrenology : presenting some new and important remarks upon the temperaments : and describing the primary mental powers in seven different degrees of development : the mental phenomena produced by their combined action : and the location of the organs, amply illustrated by cuts : also the phrenological developments, together with the character and talents of. Author: Orson Squire Fowler (American, 18091887) Published in: New York.Fowler on memory, or, Phrenology applied to the cultivation of memory: the intellectual education of children, and the strengthening and expanding of the intellectual powers 1 New Illustrated Self-Instructor In Phrenology And Physiology 1859, Author(s)-Orson Squire Fowler, Lorenzo Niles Fowler, Publisher-Kessinger Publishing. Publication date 1875 Topics Sexual ethics, Marriage, Phrenology Publisher Toronto Grand Rapids, Mich.Synopsis of phrenology and the phrenological developments: together with the character and talents of as given by : with reference to those pages of "Phrenology proved, illiustrated, and applied," in which will be found a full and correct delineation of the intellectual and moral character and manifestations of the above-named individual 2 The journal was originally published for anonymous proprietors in Philadelphia, who were soon revealed as O.S.Phrenology proved, illustrated, and applied: accompanied by a chart : embracing an analysis of the primary, mental powers in their various degrees of development, the phenomena produced by their combined activity and the location of the phrenological organs in the head : together with a view of the moral and theological bearing of the science 2.