I mean, I read this back in February and all I really remember is that Ben had some skills to hopefully leave their small town. Speaking of not being entirely able to remember, I just did not retain as much of The Darkest Part Of The Forest as I had hoped. Hazel also has this ability that is underlying – she knows how to defeat and defend against the fey, but it’s just beneath the surface and she can’t entirely remember. Meanwhile, beyond Hazel and Ben’s issues, there’s this glass coffin which is causing a stir, considering there’s a sleeping fairy prince in it (if I recall correctly). The relationship between Hazel and Ben is complex – there’s love, of course, but also jealousy in addition. The town gets all kinds of tourists, because who doesn’t want to see the fey? Anyways, so, Hazel has this brother named Ben who plays a pretty large role in the story. She lives in this weird town where humans and fairies coexist. So, The Darkest Part Of The Forest is about this girl named Hazel. Y’all, I listened to this audiobook via CDs, that is how hardcore I was about finally listening to Holly Black’s book.

However, because I am a super big procrastinator, this is another book that hung out on my Netgalley TBR until I obtained the audiobook via the library.

I am not much of a book with fairies/the fey sort of person, but she makes them quite palatable. The Darkest Part Of The Forest by Holly Black basically caught my interest because Holly Black writes such gorgeously rendered, kind of odd stories. Why Did I Listen To The Darkest Part Of The Forest by Holly Black?