Which then comes back round to bite him in the arse and so kicking off the plot with him, Snorri and Tuttugu heading back south joined by two new characters, Kara and Hennan with Loki’s Key. View Liar’s Key picks up from the end of Prince of Fools with what Jalan knows best: shagging around.

I hated that Tuttugu was killed. Will Jalan and Snorri find him again in Death? Will Snorri find his family? Will Jalan find his sister?.Will Garyus be mad that Jalan lost all of his money?.

Interestingly, life back in luxury was not all our Prince had built it up to be in his mind. Jalan finally was able to go home after such a long wait.The story dragged as Jalan and Snorri were temporary separated, but their reunion was worth the wait.Then in a surprise twist, Snorri grabbed Jalan through Death’s door, setting up book three. The ending was perfect! You have Jalan who was starting to evolve beyond his cowardice, deciding last minute to change his mind and abandon Snorri.I can’t wait to find out what adventures are in store for our reluctantly maturing Prince. Overall, Lawrence continued to evolve this fascinating literary world in The Liar’s Key, however it was his unique character development and breaking of traditional molds that has made me a permanent fan of his work. My favorite aspect of this read were the glimpses we were granted of Jalan’s imposing Grandmother and how the bloody legends surrounding her were started. Seriously though, this read had it all from adventure and magic, to history, world building, and loss. Throughout this read, Jalan’s shameless and unapologetic commitment to laziness and cowardice provide ample amusement as he finds himself in various dangerous situations. In this series, we follow the many (mis)adventures of Prince Jalan, who is far from the hero that we’ve come to expect in literature. That being said, Lawrence’s characters in The Liar’s Key are truly a breath of fresh air with regard to a genre whose patterns I’m now well familiar. I’m very much still in the thralls of this reading phase, comfortable in the knowledge I’m likely going to enjoy every book I pick up, while encountering some of my favorite reads of all time. For the past two years, I’ve heavily immersed myself in epic fantasies, with regard to my reading material of preference.